October 2000

Tim Campbell
Executive Director

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Forget Not All His Benefits
90 Years
Bert Wildner
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Remembering Bert Wildner

During his childhood years in Poland, Bert loved to study the scriptures. His desire to share his enthusiasm and joy with others stayed with him over the years, despite being drafted into the army and later suffering hardship as a prisoner of war. After his release from concentration camp, he found work with the railroad in Germany. Essentially homeless, he found shelter in the barracks provided by the railroad. He completed two years of seminary in Germany before immigrating to the United States in 1956 with his wife, Edith. While working in a factory to provide for his family, he continued his studies in theology with Moody Evening School and Ashland Seminary. He had just graduated in 1986 when Rev. Harry Banfield invited him to minister at The City Mission. During his sixteen years at the Mission, he counseled men, led chapel services and later coordinated the involvement of area churches in providing daily chapel services and meals to the homeless guests. Following complications from surgery, he went home to be with the Lord on July 7, 2000. "Wherever he went, he was sowing seeds," said his wife Edith. We thank God for Bert's life of service.

The City Mission
5310 Carnegie Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44103-4360
Phone: 216-431-3510 | Fax: 216-431-3513
Email: info@TheCityMission.org