November 2000

Tim Campbell
Executive Director

This Month's Articles

Director's Column
The Great Thanksgiving Banquet
Giving Thanks for the Bread of Life
Stories of Gratitude
ACH Goes Country
Volunteer Column
Contact Us
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"Jesus declared, 'I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.' "

John 6:35, NIV

Giving thanks for the Bread of Life

Of the pilgrims that landed at Plymouth Rock in December 1620, only half survived the difficult winter. The successful harvest the following year was cause for celebration and thanksgiving. Since then, Thanksgiving traditions in America naturally center around a family feast. Here at The City Mission, we are grateful for the many people who give of their time or money to make it possible for us to reach out to thousands of people throughout the year. This Thanksgiving alone we will be sharing the bounty with about 800 individuals and families who receive food baskets. Besides that, nearly 400 people will gather for "The Great Thanksgiving Banquet" on November 19th.

"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you."
John 6:27, NIV

But a hot meal is only the beginning for the hundreds of men, women and children who come to The City Mission in need. Every person that comes to The City Mission also is given the opportunity to receive of the Bread of Life. "Jesus declared, 'I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.' " (John 6: 35, NIV). How is it that a person can partake of the Bread of Life?

It is through hearing and receiving His Word into our innermost being. Jesus said, "The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life." (John 6: 63, NIV).

A sense of worthlessness and hopelessness pervades the lives of many who come to the City Mission. It is the Bread of Life that restores their dignity, worth and hope. It seems to be a paradox, but when people come to the end of themselves, when they have lost nearly everything, it is then that they acquire a deep sense of gratitude for things we would ordinarily take for granted.

A resident of Angeline Home (The City Mission's women's shelter) was heard to say, "I'm thankful I'm not dead," after surviving several near-death experiences. A graduate of the Pathways Youth Program, now a college student, says she is thankful that she made it out of the inner city without having a baby or getting into drugs. A man who once lived in his car with all his worldly possessions, was thankful that his car was stolen, because it was that incident that brought him to the Mission and to the Lord.

Jesus came not just to sustain life, but to give life! We join Simon Peter in proclaiming, "Lord, to whom would we go? You alone have the words that give eternal life." (John 6: 68, NLT).


The City Mission
5310 Carnegie Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44103-4360
Phone: 216-431-3510 | Fax: 216-431-3513