November 2000

Tim Campbell
Executive Director

This Month's Articles

Director's Column
The Great Thanksgiving Banquet
Giving Thanks for the Bread of Life
Stories of Gratitude
ACH Goes Country
Volunteer Column
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Stories of gratitude

Carolyn | James | Larry | Angeline resident | Teen

Cause for great thanksgiving
God's transforming power at work

Thanksgiving is a daily experience for Carolyn. Gratitude is written on her face and woven throughout the story of her transformed life.

Even though alcoholism was prevalent in Carolyn's family, she takes full responsibility for the choices she made that led her down a path of addiction to drugs and alcohol. For years she wandered the streets or stayed in shelters or bus stations. She stayed for a time at Angeline Christian Home but she wasn't "ready" to fully submit her life to God, and went back out on the streets. Her life's circumstances became worse before she finally decided to turn her life over to God.

That was six years ago. Today she remains drug and alcohol free. She has an associate's degree in Biblical counseling and is working towards a bachelor's degree in theology. She works full time at University Hospital and recently began a part-time position with The City Mission. She is a home owner, is active in her church and has reconciled relationships in her family. "And as God's grace brings more and more people to Christ, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory." (2 Corinthians 4: 15, NLT)

Carolyn | James | Larry | Angeline resident | Teen

The gift of peace
"Only He can satisfy"

Not everyone that comes to The City Mission comes out of physical poverty or homelessness. Sometimes it is poverty of spirit that causes people to seek spiritual food, the Bread of Life. Although James came from an affluent background, it didn't meet his emotional needs. He used alcohol to try to fill the voids in his life, but as time went on, he felt more empty and hopeless. Eventually his circumstances led him to seek help at The City Mission. Once he completed the Crossroads Men's Program, he returned to a lucrative career as a culinary artist. But his career was interfering with his studies at Heritage Baptist Institute. When he was offered a position as Assistant Director of Food Services at The City Mission, he accepted, even though it meant a substantial pay cut.

Today, James gives thanks for the difficulties of his past because through it all he has seen God's grace bring healing and restoration. Today James considers himself rich in spirit, having contentment and peace that he never knew before. Jesus said, "I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid." (John 14: 27 NLT).

Carolyn | James | Larry | Angeline resident | Teen

Amazing grace
Overcoming the power of addiction

It was a warm, muggy day in August and most folks weren't lingering outside for long. But there Larry was, standing just outside of Crossroads, with his face lifted to the sky, eyes closed. He said, "I just thank God for the way the sun feels on my face." There was a time when Larry would only talk to God when he was in trouble. It wasn't until he came to the end of himself that he began to give thanks for things he would otherwise take for granted.

Larry has a degree in education and at one time, worked with children who had disabilities. In reflecting on his past, Larry said, "I knew how to help others. I knew how to fix things. I even refurbished an old farmhouse. But I couldn't fix myself."

When Larry became addicted to cocaine, he tried in vain to break free from it. Now, he thanks God for his addiction because it was the addiction that got him into circumstances in which he had no choice but to turn to God. "Coming to The City Mission was like letting go of trying to fix myself." It was through the addiction that Larry began to comprehend how great is God's grace and power to transform lives.

Carolyn | James | Larry | Angeline resident | Teen

"I could breathe again"
Angeline resident finds healing at camp

We all appreciate the benefits of a restful getaway. This is especially true for women who are coming out of difficult and painful situations. One of the residents of Angeline Christian Home who participated in a 4 day retreat at Grand Valley Christian Center conveyed her thanks in this way. "It allowed me to begin healing medically, to reconnect with simple things in life, trees, wild flowers, sky and moon ...To unload a few burdens, remove one's self from the maize of life. This retreat helped refocus how life can be when we quench our thirst with the Bible. It reaffirms and strengthens us as we seek God. Those of us with wounded hearts in critical condition spiritually could breathe again....It was good, healthy, loving and a gift for a hurting mind soul, spirit and body. Thank you to volunteers, staff and ...friends who minister to the whole person."

Carolyn | James | Larry | Angeline resident | Teen

A time of healing
Teen gives thanks for camp experience

After the Pathways teens returned from a week at Grand Valley Christian Center, they reflected on the impact it had made on their lives. Here is what one teen wrote.

"I wish I could have stayed at camp instead of facing the outside world.... When I was at camp it made me think about all the things that have gone wrong in my life. For me to be so young I had a lot of chaos....So I think I really needed to go to camp because it helped me with a lot of inner scars."

Carolyn | James | Larry | Angeline resident | Teen


The City Mission
5310 Carnegie Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44103-4360
Phone: 216-431-3510 | Fax: 216-431-3513