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Once again the doors are opening for Crossroads alumnae, Joe Greene. In the 16 months since his graduation from Crossroads, Joe has completed all the preparation needed for opening his own barber shop, "All the King's Men". Joe attended business classes, obtained consultation from area businessmen and was successful in securing a small business loan.
It's been a long road for Joe, who spent ten years in and out of prison for drug-related charges. It was in a prison chapel service that he learned he could find hope for a new life through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. After completing his sentence, he entered the Crossroads program where he found the support he needed to get his life back on track.
Joe returns to Crossroads frequently to offer support and encouragement to men coming through the program. He said, "I can never give back what Crossroads has given me."

Just the Facts

Homeless guests sheltered
Men in resident program
Graduates of Phase 3
Graduates of Phase 4
Men in Transitional Housing

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Crossroads Men's Ministry…
Learning integrity, responsibility and commitment

Crossroads Men's Ministry is currently our most developed program. Men first enter Crossroads as Homeless Guests where they are provided with food, shelter, clothing and spiritual direction. Many of these men have made unwise choices and are now at the "crossroads" of life. Those ready to let God change their lives begin the 3-6 month Residential Recovery Program where they learn Integrity, Responsibility and Commitment. Qualified men finishing the Residential Program may apply for temporary housing in our Banfield Building. These transitional housing apartments allow them time to build a financial basis while they work until they can find decent housing in the community.

This is followed by a year of "Aftercare" stressing active church membership, regularly meeting with one or more mentors, maintaining steady employment and sobriety and keeping short accounts in relationships. This last year showed a substantial increase in the number of graduates of the complete Crossroads program.

Homeless Shelter
Men first come to Crossroads as homeless guests. Last year over 2,500 hurting and often desperate men sought food, shelter and hope for something better. As we take them in and meet their immediate physical needs, we also introduce them to the hope that can be found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Recovery Program
Each man is given the opportunity to enter a 3-4 month rehabilitation program broken down into 4 distinct phases. They attend Bible studies to grow spiritually and attend support groups to understand and fight the drug and alcohol addictions that many of them face. The men receive individual counseling, have work assignments, learn valuable life skills, attain specific educational goals and find employment.

The four steps to success are: 1) Growing in Christ, 2) Maintaining sobriety and drug-free living, 3) Rebuilding family and personal relationships, and 4) Holding a job. Last year more than two-thirds of the 250 men who entered the program stayed to complete it, and 74% of those men were employed when they left the Mission.

Transitional Housing
Men who graduate from the Crossroads program may be eligible to live for another 3-6 months in our Transitional Housing apartments where they move from a group living arrangement to a successful independent lifestyle. For a man to be eligible he must be actively pursuing the goals he has set for his life including securing steady employment.

Another prerequisite is to demonstrate commitment and involvement in a local church, which will provide a support network once he leaves the Mission. During this time each man receives ongoing help in learning how to manage finances and other resources as he prepares for the time he will live on his own.

When the men return to the community they receive a year of follow-up aftercare. The local churches they attend play a vital role in the aftercare process as they provide mentors who encourage and assist the men during this critical phase. The men return regularly to report on their progress, meet with a support group of peers, and receive ongoing counseling. Upon the completion of a year of successful independent living they become official graduates of the entire Crossroads program at a special ceremony.

You can call the Crossroads facility at 216-431-3515 or contact the Director, Pete Bliss by e-mail at


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